Divorce / Maintenance Cases Investigation / AK Detective - Matrimonial Detective In Delhi
Infidelity investigation
Child Custody and Welfare Investigation
Background Checks on Spouse
Alimony and Support Investigations

Divorce is not an interesting phase of life as nobody wants to ruin his/her life hence sometime partner could not cope up with each other. In this situation some prefer to continue life as usual to save their married life and some people prefer to make divorce decision, well it is up to any individual whether he/she wants to continue married life or take up the option divorce. AK Detective has understood the criticality of this phase of life therefore we take it as a sensitive matter because divorce case contains several emotions and intensity and we have been expert in taking this case wisely. Our private detectives are expert in handling divorce case investigation. We have specialized team of detective agents of divorce cases investigation and they monitor case as per its intensity and especially when it is consist child custody which creates emotions and deep sentiments. Our expert investigation team leaves no stone unturned to find the facts and deliver verified evidences to the client which helps to make strong case against the counter party. We as a responsible divorce case investigation agency guarantee to detect deep information and collect appropriate evidences during whole investigation services. we carry out background check investigation and keep eye on suspect(target) hence we can deliver reliable proofs for our client. And the most important about reports and evidences is that it has secrecy and it will be provided to client and won’t share with anyone without the consent of client. We have successfully handled several critical divorce cases for our clients and they are fully satisfied with our divorce case investigation services in Delhi India. Nowadays technology has dominated the world and there is hardly anything which is not involved with it. When it comes to take the help of technology then we are most advanced private detective services in Delhi and all over India. If client insist then we use gadgets and advanced equipments which allow us to collect information such as videography, hidden camera, recordings etc. AK Detective team is perfect in its detect services and always ready to deliver splendid investigation services such as we are without a doubt most acceptable professional detective agency in india. And for the divorce case investigation services this is the right organization which can help you to come out with the truth which you want to find out in partner. So if you feel that you need reputed divorce detective agents then make a visit to our office we will happy to assist you.