Financial Due Diligence
Legal Due Diligence
Business Due Diligence
Creditworthiness Evaluation

AK Detective has made an impeccable influence through well-organized work strategy for any kind of investigation service. To be alert and preventive is the best way to live secure life. We are bringing amazing due diligence investigation. As an investor or businessman if you are initiating any joint venture or business collaboration with any other business counterparty it is necessary to cross check the financial status of company credibility of business and its shareholder are important factors in due diligence investigation. There are so many risks within the starting of business and we are ready to find out the background details of business house so that our client get real picture of asset of their future business partner. We know that in business there are so many obstructions and difficulties arise and one wrong step can ruin the business so it is better to get the validated information about the potential risk and plan your strategy according to it. Our trained staff and investigating officers have come from different background like ex-army men, cybercrime, specialists, former business journalists, litigation experts, defense experts etc. Therefore people from diverse industry have come under one roof and prepare immaculate tactics to counter the forgery if present in the business. Our crew brings real information in every project and they are skilled to get solid evidence from a single clue. We deeply review every possible aspect of target business entity which can match with the requirements of our clients. Technology is the essential part of our investigation process and we use it to make the investigation more authentic and effectual. Our due diligence process is scientific and structured because we believe in technology and computer based technique but we are not just depends upon it. We also pour manual efforts which can help to get the truth inside the business. We intensively research within the business premises so that we can evaluate the risk associated to the business. We also check various perspective that can directly or indirectly affect the business of our client such as personal business status, bankruptcy of company, criminal case, civil litigation and many more things.